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wi236 high and dry; dry up
wi235 dry run; cut and dried
wi234 Redneck; McCarthyism
wi233 tax-and-spend liberals; knee-jerk liberals
wi232 pick up the tab; go Dutch
wi231 give sb. the hook; by hook or by crook
wi230 right on the mark; right up one's alley
wi229 sacred cow; dark horse
wi228 break the news; break the ice
wi227 give one a break; break even
wi226 slow burn; slow as molasses
wi225 like greased lightning; like a bat out of hell
wi224 butterfingers; butterball
wi223 bread and butter; butter up sb.
wi222 know which side one's bread is buttered on
wi221 as light as a feather; a feather in one's cap
wi220 birds of a feather; feather one's nest
wi219 touch base; do lunch
wi218 get caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
wi217 ups and downs; down and out

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