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 Popular American - 流行美语

161 putz around; worrywart
162 gibberish; google
163 bang for the buck; number crunchers
164 boss; mob scene
165 gross; in a pinch
166 cell; the 411
167 deadbeat; cool it
168 whatever floats one's boat; up a creek
169 wiped out; cutie-pie
170 high maintenance; dating 101
171 crummy; sack out
172 clotheshorse; shell out
173 go overboard; guzzle
174 dump; ham
175 fixed to do sth.; tricked-out
176 set of wheels; the pits
177 have a beef with sb.; hit pay dirt
178 hit the road; have a hissy fit
179 have a ball; tizzy
180 knock it off; conked out

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