BILINGUAL NEWS 双语新闻 180210



白宫发言人拉吉夫·沙阿说,白宫演讲稿写手戴维·索罗森(David Sorenson)星期五辞职。

两天前,白宫秘书罗伯·波特(Rob Porter)因两位前妻指称受到过他的虐待而辞职。







2nd White House Aide Resigns after Accusations of Domestic Abuse

The White House confirmed late Friday that a second staff member had resigned over domestic abuse allegations against him.

Spokesman Raj Shah said speechwriter David Sorenson resigned Friday.

Two days earlier, White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter stepped down amid accusations by both his former wives that he had abused them.

Sorensen denied the abuse allegations, which were first reported Friday by The Washington Post. Sorenson's ex-wife had told the Post that he was violent and emotionally abusive during their short marriage.

Shah said Sorenson resigned after White House officials confronted him over the abuse allegations.

President Donald Trump said on Friday that he is very sad at Porter's resignation.

The revelations about Porter have raised fresh questions about the attitude of senior White House staff toward allegations of improper behavior by employees. It has also cast a spotlight on the practice of allowing staff without security clearances to work in and around the Oval Office.

Porter had only an interim clearance while holding one of the most sensitive jobs in the White House, where he controlled the flow of information to the president. A full clearance had been held up while the FBI investigated abuse allegations by his two former wives.