Several European Countries Expel Russian Diplomats


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After the Netherlands announced Tuesday it was expelling 17 Russian diplomats, several more European countries are doing the same.

Belgium said Tuesday it would expel 21 Russians, the Czech Republic said it was expelling one, while Ireland announced it would expel four officials.

"Together with our allies, we are reducing the Russian intelligence presence in the EU," the Czech Foreign Ministry said.

Last week, Poland kicked out 45 Russian officials.

The Dutch foreign affairs ministry said the reason for its expulsions was information indicating the 17 are "secretly active as intelligence officers."

The ministry added that the "intelligence threat against the Netherlands remains high. The current attitude of Russia in a broader sense makes the presence of these intelligence officers undesirable."

It said it took the move after consulting with several other countries.

Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra said the country was prepared should Russia take retaliatory measures against Dutch officials in Russia.

Similar actions have been taken recently by the United States, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Montenegro.

Some information in this report comes from The Associated Press and Reuters