Gone with the Wind 乱世佳人11

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Mr.O'Hara: What difference does it make whom you marry? So long as he's a Southerner and thinks like you. And when I'm gone, I leave Tara to you.
Scarlett: I don't want Tare, plantations don't mean anything when...
Mr.O'Hara: Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'hara that Tara...that land doesn't mean anything to you? Why, land's the only thing in he world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts.
Scalett: Oh, Pa. You talk like an Irishman.
Mr.O'Hara: It's proud I am that I'm Irish, and don't you be forgetting, Missy, that you're half-Irish, too. And, to anyone with a drop of Irish blood in them...why, the land they live on is like their mother. Oh, but there, there. Now, you're just a child. It'll come to you, this love of the land. There's no getting away from it if you're Irish.
